Holistic Salon or Just a Trendy Word?

Monday Ramblings
What makes someone holistic? What makes a hairstylist holistic? Years ago such a combo would have seemed so far fetched or so opposite? And I don’t really have solid answers.
Yes we’re in a time where many people (thankfully) are awakening to healing modalities, better environmental choices and purer food options. But where is the line drawn from the sugar coated word of “natural” all the way to healer or holistic? What’s allowed? What’s not? I find myself (especially in this industry) wondering all of these things.
I’d love to truly call myself a holistic hairstylist or holistic salon but until I no longer use traditional hair color, it’s just not honest.
Yes the color line I use is super “clean” in the realm of conventional hair color- it hasn’t bothered my scalp when I’ve used it and has a minimal scent which is great! Free of ammonia, ppd, resorcinol, mineral oil, gluten/wheat, etc. But I’m still wondering if the world, the industry, myself is up to creating a salon space that truly is holistic?
Hair color from 100% plants. Grey blending. Grey coverage. Various shades of reds, coppers, brunettes, golden blondes, deep black tones, apricot shades,... Hair cleansers from only plants and nothing derived from a plant in a chemistry lab. Tonics to heal scalp imbalances. Internal support for healthier hair growth and overall body balance. Energetic support for emotional well-being like flower essences and aromatherapy. I mean the list is endless.
Its weird and different. And exciting and scary. And unknown. Do I jump or do I stay.