Flwr Hair Color Embodiment Session
Flwr Hair Color and Care are exactly what they sound like; natural hair color and care products made from flowers. We also include nourishing herbs, leaves like cassia, henna + indigo plus, seeds, roots and more to enhance the best possible outcome. Wildflower and The Rose has been cultivated on the foundation of 15+ years of experience in the hair industry, plus continual studies within herbalism, aromatherapy and ayurvedic hair care. We come from a place of demanding 100% pure + honest hair color + care without compromising on ability to color, nourish, soothe or support in your FLWR Hair journey. No unpronounceable words, concerning preservatives, toxic dyes or greenwashing.
Our in-depth FLWR Hair Color Virtual Consult includes:
- Hair Goals (Color or Care)
- Hair History
- Wants + Needs
- Frustrations + Pain Points
- Current Hair Regimen and Product Usage
- Lifestyle Suggestions to Support Your Hair
- Individual Color Blend Suggestion
- Custom FLWR Hair Color recommendation
- Directions on Product Usage
- Info on Supplies Needed for Color
- FLWR Hair Color Mixing + Application Guidance
- Aftercare + Maintenance Tips
- Any Other Pertinent Information, etc.
- Available for ONE 10-15 minute "Help" Email or Chat after Consult
- A Follow Up Email or Chat to Check in on Outcome (optional)
During a new guest or returning guest virtual consult, we will talk via email with Chelsea, our Holistic Hairstylist + Herbalist.
As a reminder, our FLWR Hair Color Consult does not fully cover hair that contains more than 30% gray to a matte appearance. This is due to the more translucent nature of the herbs. I will work with you to find a happy medium and do my best. FLWR Herbal Color gives a strong, blended look where grays act as a lighter highlight. Results are very individual and cannot be guaranteed
If you happen upon this product prior to reading more information on our Flwr Hair Color Embodiment session, as well as following our required steps, please click here.
For First Time Consult Guests we will not process your payment if you purchase this consult prior to following our Requirements via the link above. Please be mindful when ordering. I will immediately refund you if you are unable to follow these steps. I have a flow that works best for my offering and greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation!
Please be Mindful
There is a NO RETURN or Refund policy on all consults if cancelled within the 5 day window *prior* to consult. No Return or Refunds for missed consults or after consult. I understand life happens and sometimes the advice given may not be exactly what was hoped for. However, in these circumstances you & I followed through with a consult service and payment must be exchanged regardless of opinion. I do my absolute best to make sure everyone is happy, nourished and on the best possible path with our consults. I want nothing but the best for you on this natural hair color and care journey!