Wildflower Diaries: No To Castile Soap

A pet peeve of mine is many herbal books and courses suggest washing or cleansing hair with Castile soap. And just don’t. Please.
Our hair has a certain balance of ph, polarity and oils that it needs in order to thrive not die. Castile soap is about a 8-10+ ph anddddd our hair is a 4.5-5ph. Wildly off. This is also why after using Castile soap “shampoos” the author advices following with an apple cider vinegar rinse. Which has a ph of 3. It’s a hopeful way of adjusting the intense alkalinity your hair just went through. This yo yo of high alkalinity (above 7ph) and then a rinse with a drastic acidic (below 7ph) can really wreak havoc on your hair and scalp.
Most herbal minded people grab Castile soap or shampoo bars (similar issues) because they know what’s in them, no sulfates, preservatives, etc. They’re great as soap. Not shampoo. Most of the time anyone following “no poo” will tend to feel like a greasy sticky coating on their hair, excess oil that won’t quit or super dry but unmanageable hair.
If you want true herbal cleansing without the yo yo of acidic/alkaline damage, something preservative free and entirely botanical incorporate Wildflower's Wild Sweet William Gentle Cleanser for light hair wash or Wildflower Clay Cleanser for a deeper wash & scalp micro-exfoliant. Follow Sweet William with Rose Mallow Hydrating Rinse and Clay Cleanser with Apple Daisy Tonic Rinse.