What's Your Biggest Healing Poision?

A narcissus is a flower devoted to the return of Persephone in the spring. It also is related to the word “narcissist” and the myth of a hunter falling in love with his own reflection; desperate to be united with his one true love (himself). In one version of the Greek myth, he was so desperate to be with his love he beat his chest purple and a daffodil sprouted.
What I find rather fascinating is the correlation with Hades; many reading his story with Persephone could be quick to label him a narcissist. “Stealing” a young maiden, forcing her to eat a pomegranate seed, keeping her for himself in the underworld…however I don’t buy that story.
Through my studies I have found time and time again a different telling, one where she chose to go with him, she chose to eat the pomegranate seed and chose to rule the underworld. As for Hades in stories and my own experiences I have also experienced that someone viewed as a narcissist may also be our best teacher of mirrored reflection. We chose to be with them. We chose that journey. We did NOT choose the Bs, manipulation, lies and half truths. And we eventually chose to leave.
What if in some way your deepest wounds, your darkest secrets (underworld), your narcissistic experiences (to the ego view Hades), show you how to rule your own darkness (Persephone)? What if that daffodil blooming every spring is the reminder you are the Queen of your shadows, the narcissus (narcissist) has been your greatest teacher in SHOWING YOU WHERE YOU OWN YOUR POWER vs feeling defeated?
*I am not allowing or supporting abuse in any form, this is simply a different layer of healing thought. This concept is a higher level, outside the actual pain/what did this lesson teach me scenario*
What if your biggest pain is also your biggest, healing poison?!? Ahh what a dichotomy.