The sacred rage is alive and well.

If you don’t know who this incredible goddess is, let me introduce you to Kali Ma. She takes all your “ugly” and transforms into your golden goddess magic. I’m new to her, I’m new to her power and her nurturing.
I started working with Persephone & the Hades dynamic (wow) and The eternal light bearer and goddess of darkness Hecate. If you have yet to experience their medicine, I beg of you to get curious. You will not be disappointed. What I’ve found is even after working with these deities I still have this inner “rock” or stuckness, a loop that hasn’t budged. It shows up as deep sadness and helplessness to my own joy; but the interesting this is that I’m pretty sure it’s subdued rage. Or rather these intense emotions that I haven’t given space to express, experience or let go of.
Hence, why Kali has shown up for me. She likes the dirty, grungy, scary, deepest darkest parts, like feed me them and I’ll show you your power. The things we’d rather shy away from.
I’ve paired this experience with Belladonna in homeopathic form; working with the heat, the internal/external expression/suppression, anger, protection of self, etc. plus continued support with Rock Rose Flower Essence for courage and Mimulus Flower Essence for facing my fears. Energy never lies.