Occult Botany; I Personally Love A Treasure Hunt

I found this fascinating book while shopping at a local metaphysical shop. I of course ordered it because ya girl is a deal finder and it’s been an interesting read. I was hoping for more magick and metaphysical info for each plant ally, but again I just started it.
I personally love a treasure hunt. My mind craves stimuli, expansion and challenging the status quo. Asking the “why not?” Or “how” always leads to a fun chase of goose. In this book thus far, I stumbled upon my faithful soapwort. She is my favorite gentle cleanser for hair due to her soaponification nature and wild sweet scent.
Under her listing there was a comment about her use as consecration of an altar with a number relating to its source. I of course challenged the status quo and wondered when, where, how, why, for whom? Which lead me to an old French book published in the late 1800’s titled “The Cathedral” written by JK Huysmans (originally La cathedrale). I was able to find the comment about soapwort, which in my eyes was a bit of a stretch in soapworts use. However…
I found it wildly fascinating that around this statement were so many words and directions on the churches or religious uses of herbs to ward, bless, etc. What peaked my interest is this idea that women and men who practiced Plant Medicine & Magick were deemed evil and labeled witches, yet religious sectors could use and honor similar or the same plants. This completely goes against the rhetoric that witches or people who would with plant magick (and by magick I mean its energetic, spiritual and gnostic gifts) are working with the devil or are shunned my religious groups.
It’s like saying you can’t paint with that crayon because only I hold that power (yeah yeah I’m also schooling myself on these concepts related to similar topics of my own egoism). Personally I feel like one of the many reasons so much of witchcraft, naturalism, spiritualism, “alt” healing and so forth are coming out again is because there has been such a deep seeded separation of have and have nots, who controls what, who controls us/me, when throughout ancient & honest history we’ve always been encouraged to use our God given gifts openly for all.