I’m sorry, what?

How dare you call me out
This has been a heck of a cycle for me; so much growth through the shadows. One thing I’ve learned from her and this space is I freaking LOVE IT there. The darkness is where my light lives, the truth of who I am, what I crave, desire and want to express.
The simplest way to see you for you is to stop avoiding what’s chasing you. Stop and finally look it in the eyes and ask “what. What have you been trying to show me.” Watch your world unfurl, burn down and start to build again. It has been the wildest, witchiest most expansive & tough thing I have been through energetically.
Thoughts are short and sweet today. But damn. This quote stopped me in my tracks and dropped my jaw. Okay Universe, Hekate I see youuuu
Photo Pinterest, author unfound.